All Access Arts: Piano Sensory All Abilities Workshop

MAY 4 - JUNE 1

Saturdays • 10:00 - 11:00AM

Ages: 5-7

Instructor: Robin Gunn


This inclusive piano class for young children aims to develop their musical skills and confidence in a safe and creative environment. Students will learn piano in creative ways, move and listen to different types of music, and create their own compositions while building their social skills. Students will be able to play light weighted keyboards and will have visuals and props for learning aides.

For more information, please email Music Programs Manager, Dr. Laura Petillo, [email protected]

May 4, 11, 18 (no May 25); June 1


Class Capacity: 10

Location: Basie’s Monmouth Conservatory of Music | Grunin Hall

Elf the Musical
Summer at the Count Basie Center Academy