StevieMac – A Fleetwood Mac & Stevie Nicks Experience

FRI • MAY 2 • 7:30PM

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Entradas: $29 - $79 + tasas | Límite de 8 boletos por dirección postal

PUERTAS 6:30 p. m. • ESPECTÁCULO 7:30 p. m.
The Vogel • Campus del Centro Basie • 99 Monmouth Street, Red Bank

StevieMac faithfully recreates Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks’ solo recordings with striking accuracy. Diane Lutz gives a stunning performance as Stevie Nicks with spot-on vocals and visuals that magically capture Nicks’ stage presence. Andie Baldwin recreates Christine McVie with the look, sound and note-for-note piano playing that Christine was known for. Steve Ronson captures every essence of Lindsay Buckingham from his commanding vocals to his iconic guitar sound, style and spirit.

StevieMac performs the greatest hits from Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks including: Stand Back, Rhiannon, Gold Dust Woman, Don’t Stop, Stop Dragging My Heart Around, Silver Springs and so many more!
